Upton & Walden on Disappointing Net Neutrality Decision


Date: June 14, 2016
Location: Washington, DC

Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI) and Communications and Technology Subcommittee Chairman Greg Walden (R-OR), today issued the following statement after the D.C. Circuit Court issued its opinion on the FCC's Net Neutrality rules.

"We are disappointed that the court did not hold the commission accountable for the numerous process flaws and legal failings plaguing this Order. Title II will continue to stifle Internet innovation and the impacts will surely trickle down to consumers," said Upton and Walden. "Because of this added layer of regulation, sadly we'll never realize the full potential of the Internet industry's ability to innovate. While jobs, innovation, and consumers are the big losers today; there is little doubt that this ruling will be appealed. We hope that the courts will reverse this decision and uphold the letter of the law to protect consumers and allow the Internet industry to innovate and invest."
